

Best Top 10 Primary Schools in Lucknow, India: Nurture International School Franchise in Lucknow and Teachers Training: NIS -

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Description: Nurture International School, Bengaluru, aims rightfully to give each child a self-learning environment. It was indeed an inception with a clear vision to enable each child to identify one’s strength and blossom out with unique individualistic qualities. Nurture International School (NIS) is powered by Nurture which is based on the promise of ‘Compete with Yourself’. Education’s role is to help each child maximize one’s potential in the setting of a carefully designed environment that addresses the balanced development of a child’s inner and outer powers of body, mind, heart, and spirit. NIS is a benchmark for itself as its focus is to cater to each child’s needs. All Nurture methods, materials, teaching processes and methods and assessments, are scientifically designed for each child to feel empowered and supported at his / her level. NIS believes that each child grows at one’s pace and is capable of making a world of difference.

